Welcome to Wudiware.
Our main goal is to create kindhearted software. Apps in the past have included games for children intended to help grow skills involving basic tablet gestures, math, color recognition, keyboarding, object matching, and spelling.
Other apps include:
-A variety of screensaver and wallpaper generation programs filled with vibrant colors and entrancing motion
-Art and Sprite generation from parts in a multiuser online platform
-Simple Clocks and Audio Clocks requiring minimal tablet or computer knowledge
-Sticker packs for WhatsApp, Telegram, and iMessage
LeClumsyFox, Stickers, WhatsApp, Android
This application allows you to use the adorable emotes by partnered Twitch Streamer LeClumsyFox on WhatsApp. Every single emote has been thought through and made with love by incredibly talented artists like Sou and K3lly.
LeClumsyFox, Stickers, iMessage, iOS, Apple
This application allows you to use the adorable emotes by partnered Twitch Streamer LeClumsyFox on iMessage. This pack includes 5 animated stickers based on the cheermotes in her channel.
WeSOW, Education, Kids, Games
WeSOW - We Share Our World was an app intended for education. Deisgned for small children, the app included multiple small games. WeSOW featured a Timed Randomization mode in which the current game would be periodically randomly chosen and loaded.
PicPodz, Screensaver, Photo Frame, 3D
This app creates interactive 3D photo spheres. The purpose of the application was to act as an always-open photoframe widget. Simply drag a group of photos into the window, and they position themselves into a sphere. In automatic mode, a picture is brought to the forefront periodicaly.
Talking Clock, Visually Impaired, Easy of Use, Android
This app was originally designed for individuals with impaired vision. Simply pressing the screen would read out the time. Versions were created to allow customization of the colors, alarms, and ambient noise, but the original app was simply a digital clock that talked.
Part2Art, Online, Multiuser, Sprite, 2D, Editor
Part2Art was an online platform for constructing complex sprites from smaller component part sprites. The app allowed you to easily pick parts from existing packs and then place them. Sprites could be placed in a Symmetic mode that linked an individual part with a flipped copy of itself which would both react to changed in a semi-symmetic manner in real time.
Hug Circle, Degrees of Separation, Twitch, Share Circle
The variations of this app were mainly intended to connect people and to give people an idea of the impact they can make with the smallest of actions. A single user initiated a hug, content share, or event (depend on which app version) and shared it with a set number of social media friends. Those friends were then invited to share with their friends. The entire share structure was made visible by expandable nodes which formed a tree-like structure. Users could see their direct contribution, as well as the total number of shares that resulted from all sub-shares below their interaction in the tree.
Color Morphing, ColorCross, Live Wallpaper, Screensaver
Color Morphing, ColorCross, and Endrage were designed as calming visual effects in motion. The app allowed users to control aspects of swirls, explosions, and vibrant dancing designs. In some apps, the users own image could be used as the centerpiece or as the particle.